Turbo Works USA
Add / Edit Categories

The Add/Edit Categories section allows you to add and edit new categories to your website. Below is a description of how use the Add/Edit Categories section:

Add New Category

New Category Name
This section will allow you to add a new category to your website. Categories allow you to group specific information under a particular section. Here is how you add a new category:

New Category Name
The first thing you need to do is insert the name of your new category. In the white text box below the word New Category Name, enter the name of the category that you want to create.

View Mode
Next, select the type of view you would like the articles in that category to look like.

If you select the ‘Article’ view, all articles in that category will be laid out in a news style format, top to bottom, with an article title, picture and caption below that picture.

If you select the ‘Photo’ view, all articles in that category will be laid out photos in that category, left to right, with an article title below the picture.


When you are done editing the ‘Add/Edit Categories’ section, click on the ‘Save’ button and your information will be saved.

Edit Categories

The Edit Categories section of this page will allow you to rename, edit the position or delete a category. Here are the specific areas to this section:

Article Name
This is the name of your individual categories and the type of View Mode you choose.

If you click on the ‘Edit’ button, you will be able to rename your category and change the View Mode. When done editing the category, click the ‘Save’ button and you will be returned to the ‘Add/Edit Categories’ page.

To move the position of the category up one space on your homepage, press the ‘Up’ button and the category will move up one space.

Note: The order that your categories appear on Mark 4 is the same order that they will appear on your website.

To move the position of the category down one space on your homepage, press the ‘Down’ button and the category will move down one space.

Note: The order that your category appear on Mark 4 is the same order that they will appear on your website.

If you want to delete a category, click on the ‘Delete’ button. You will be taken to the ‘Delete Item Conformation’ screen to confirm

At the ‘Delete Item Conformation’ screen, you will be asked to verify ‘Are you sure you want to delete this?’ If you are sure you want to delete the category, click on the ‘Delete’ button, otherwise click on the ‘Cancel’ button to return to the Add/Edit Category page.

Below is a video demonstration on how to use the Add/Edit Categories section

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us: contact@turbo-works.com


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Content Management System MARK 4 by Turbo-Works