Turbo Works USA : MARK 4 - Help Pages : New/Edit Article
New/Edit Article

The New/Edit Article section will allow you to create content to be placed in one of the categories you’ve already created. If you have not already created a Category, please do so. If you are unsure of how to create a Category, Click Here. Below is a description of how to use the Add/Edit Articles section:


The first thing you need to do is select a Category the article will be placed in. To do this, click on the box below the word ‘Category’, scroll over the desired category and click on it.

Next, enter the title of the article. Click on the white text box located below the word ‘Title’ and input the desired text.

Main Picture
This will be the picture that is seen when people scroll through the category section and will also appear at the top of the article once it’s created. To add the main picture, click on the ‘Choose File’ button below the word Main Picture, find the picture you want to use and double click on that picture. Now the file name will show next to the ‘Choose File’ button.

Uploaded Picture
NOTE: This will only appear after you have added and saved a picture to your article.

Check (Preview)
To check the picture that is currently uploaded to the article, click on the word [Check] next to the word ‘Picture’. This will open a new window showing you the picture that has been uploaded.

If you would like to delete the current photo, then click on the ‘Delete’ button and your photo will be deleted.

Caption for Main Picture
This section will allow you to add a caption under the main picture. To do so, click on the white text box below the word ‘Caption for Main Picture’ and input the desired text.

This section will allow you to add an introduction or hook to pull website visitors into the article that you’ve created. This section should be brief. About one to two sentences long. To add an introduction, click on the white text box below the word ‘Introduction’ and input the desired text.

This section will allow you to add the body and conclusion to the article. This section should contain all of the details needed to describe what you’re writing about. To add the body and conclusion, click on the white text box below the word ‘Body’ and input the desired text.

Additional Pictures

Mark 4 also allows you to insert multiple pictures into an article if so desired. The steps for all four additional photos are the same.

Picture 1, 2, 3, & 4
This picture will be inserted to the right of your article text once it is created. To add an additional picture, click on the ‘Choose File’ button below the word Picture 1,2, 3 or 4 (depending upon your picture number), find the picture you want to use and double click on that picture. Now the file name will show next to the ‘Choose File’ button.

Caption for Picture 1, 2, 3, & 4
This portion will allow you to add a caption under the picture you uploaded for Picture 1, 2, 3, or 4. If you would like to add a caption, click on the white text box below the word ‘Caption for Picture 1, 2, 3, or 4’ and input the desired caption.


You will be given the option to either ‘Post’ the article you just created or set it as ‘Pending Approval’. Below is a description of each:

NOTE: Writer level users will not see these options.

If you select ‘Post’ then upon clicking on the ‘Save’ button, the article will be posted to the desired Category on your website.

Pending Approval
You can set your article as ‘Pending Approval’ if you would like to save your current progress, but don’t want to post it on your website yet.

When you save it as ‘Pending Approval’, the article will appear on the Home Page of Mark 4 letting you know that there are articles pending approval.

NOTE: All articles created by ‘Writer’ level users will automatically be set to ‘Pending Approval’. Someone with a Staff or Master level user access will have to approve the article before it is posted to your website.


When you are done adding/editing your article, click on the ‘Save’ button and your information will be saved.

Note: If you are making either a single change or multiple changes, be sure to click on the ‘Save’ button before you go to a new page.

Below is a video demonstration on how to use the Add Article section

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us: contact@turbo-works.com

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Content Management System MARK 4 by Turbo-Works